Maharashtra State Panvel Municipal Corporation Tenders

Explore Active Tenders from Maharashtra's Panvel Municipal Corporation

Item Rate BOQ


| Panvel Municipal Corporation
| Miscellaneous Services
| Panvel Municipal Corporation
Establishing a comprehensive and cohesive framework for a GIS-driven encroachment management paradigm aims to effectively mitigate unauthorized constructions.
Published 22/01/2025 5PM
Submission 06/02/2025 3PM
Bid Opening 07/02/2025 3PM
Tender Value
Rs. NA
Subscription plans & prices


| Panvel Municipal Corporation
| Civil Works - Others
| Panvel Municipal Corporation
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DPPCLWMS at Gardens Under Kamothe
Published 06/01/2025 12PM
Submission 30/01/2025 3PM
Bid Opening 31/01/2025 3PM
Tender Value
Rs. 95,22,839
Subscription plans & prices
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